I am a love addict. At face value you might think that sounds attractive, but I have suffered greatly for my obsession. An obsession born out of being raised in a love-deprived vacuum of emotional neglect, verbal abuse, and physical assaults. An incessant hunger birthed out of… prolonged starvation. Who is to blame? In addict-mode I have been a glutton for pain, a masochist for heart break. My body mind and soul has been raped pillaged and plundered since I was 12, and many times with my consent. Yeah… I said it… many times I consented… I admit. But I consented to be loved… I consented to make-love. Not to be sexed and left… not to be used, then abandoned… ravished and later despised! What happened?! Was it all a lie!? I consented to love… I did not consent to deception! There is a difference, is there not? Evil is cunning and its ways are deception, but The-Truth sets free! What I have learned is: Love is not made, so you can NOT “Make-love”. “Making-love” is a deceptive term used to manipulate the mind. Do not let this term manipulate you! Having sex with someone You-Do-Not-Love will not magically produce love in-you for-them. Having sex with someone who Does-Not-Love-You will not magically produce love in-them for-you. The act of sex alone is-not loving! Selah. Sex can NOT create love… so love is NOT produced by sexual activities. Sex can NOT increase love… so love does NOT grow as a result of sexual acts. Sex can NOT generate love… so love is NOT the effect of sexual performance. Sex was designed to be experienced within the boundaries of (1) A man and woman already in-love with each other and apart from having had any sexual experience with each other, and (2) a couple who have made a legally binding commitment of loyalty to each other for a lifetime. In this context:
All deviations from this God-Instituted Design is hurting humanity: mentally, physically, emotionally, sexually, romantically and spiritually!!! Too many sexual encounters (sexual promiscuity) diminishes sexual satisfaction; diminished sexual satisfaction produces intrigue into sexually deviant behaviors; and embracing sexually deviant behaviors imprisons you and greatly limits your ability to find a naturally productive, healthy and fulfilling sex life and partner. Sexually deviant behaviors include obsessive pornography, masturbation with objects, pedophilia, Bondage sex, painful/abusive sex, orgies, gang bangs, sex with animals, exhibitionist, etc. The sexual arousal behind all these sexual practices are complete deviations to what is naturally productive and healthy for a human sexual relationship. Sexual deviance is a bi-product of dysfunctional views of intimacy and unhealthy sexual experiences. Relationship breakups hurt, but Relationship breakups that have experienced sexual intimacy can be traumatic to a person’s psyche, producing insecurities, trust-issues, low self-esteem, diminished self-worth; and it can callous individuals emotionally, making them lack empathy and remorse; all of which are serious road blocks to meaningful relationships in general. Sexual intimacy activates a soul-tie or subconscious bond designed to sustain hope for a lifetime partnership through better or worse. This is why people stay with an abusive partner for unreasonable amounts of time, and endure unreasonable amounts of abuses in the name of “love”. This sometimes blind and persevering hope is a natural result of sexual intimacy designed to help a marriage commitment last. It is the violation of this soul-tie/subconscious-bond that is the motivation behind “crimes of passion”. Never has there been a crime of passion where there was no sexual intimacy exchanged. Never. Bottom line is:
A huge assault is being done to our minds. Visually manufactured information and entertainment is sedating our minds and stealing our potential. Reading is now an essential skill for survival… why?
When you read a book that has no pictures, your mind is having to “work” in order to formulate a visual picture in your mind. This process is actually exercising our brain, exponentially, through imagination. Our imagination is so powerful that when reading a story we can creatively imagine “sound”. From various characters, whether it be a woman talking or a young boy speaking to a father, or a reptilian orc growling at an elderly wizard. The very task of engaging our imagination to process the information we are reading literally exercises, strengthens, and builds to our brain capacity – which IS itself a MUSCLE! When we watch the television… our brain is mostly at rest due to the fact that no imagination is required to process the information being depicted. Through the TV we see, hear and many times are subtly and suggestively “told” how to perceive information we are viewing. The need to critically assess the information or utilize our imagination is done for us; leaving our brain-muscle at rest the entire time. What is the physical difference of a person who weight lifts 2 hours every day of his life vs. a person who chooses to be bed-ridden for most of their life? In like manor unregulated hours of spectating television programs, and various media platforms are subjecting developing minds to massive cognitive lethargy. In fact… children today are genuinely experiencing increasing levels of anxiety in school because their critical thinking faculties are inactive for the majority of their time in home and life. Problem solving is stress inducing. Problem solving is essential for survival at the most basic levels of human need. If school is a place to challenge the mind and the brain is a muscle… challenging the mind is “resistance-training” and problem solving stress are the “weights”. Reading is producing genuine anxiety in students of all stages, because they are losing mental fortitude. The increased anxiety we are witnessing today in America culturally, is in part, a result to decreased tolerance to some of the most basic stressors required for human survival. As we increasingly indulge in visually manufactured information and entertainment; the more our society as a whole, becomes less tolerant of stressors required for critical thinking and problem solving. The result being a passive existence where resistance is expressed by complaining and problem solving is reduced to begging for assistance. Human characteristics of perseverance, determination and high-work-ethics are increasingly perceived as extraordinary qualities. Critical logic affirms that only within independent-self-sufficiency is personal security, stability and safety attained; while dependence for basic needs, on anything other-than what is within your control, is uncertain-security with no guarantee of safety, stability or future provision. Today Americans are in a divide because independent-self-sufficiency is viewed less and less of a possibility causing dependence-on-entitlements to be a dignified means of survival. People today struggle to see beyond survival due to how weakened we have become cognitively. But if you are a dependent in any area of your life… survival in the long-term requires problem solving your total independence. There is no quick solution to this assault. We must unplug from visually manufactured information and entertainment as much as possible. Read an article every day. Require children to use their imagination. By the use of hypothetical scenarios, challenge your children to solve realistic world problems. Ask them to give personal opinions to controversial topics. Don’t judge their response good or bad but gauge their thought process; Challenge their ideology with questions not statements. These are critical mind exercises at all ages. Solve Logic puzzles. Play Sudoku. Read. Read. Read. Embrace ways to become an entrepreneur. Technology is a tool to help us do more in life… don’t let it control you…control. it. |
Understanding Humanity & ChristianityThere is logic behind all human behavior. Christianity was never intended to be above rational thought; and what is good & evil, right or wrong, is best understood by what we have individually seen, heard and experienced. So how can we discern the difference? What is the logic behind some of the most atrocious acts of violence or crimes against humanity? What logic or "good" could there be to evils like murder and war? How real is spirituality and what role does it play in human behavior? Follow us here as our Visionary attempts to explain and expand awareness to the powerful and painful complex realities of the human experience and biblical controversies. Archives
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